Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Accommodations and modifications for the learning disabled student Essay

Accommodations and modifications for the learning disabled student - Essay Example A disabled student is also just as much of a pulsating and precious human being as any other normal student.What goes on in a disabled student's mind A continuous sense of permanent deprivation reels in such a student almost all the while. Disabled students suffer perennially. They ask "Why" every second of their life. When they are alone and when they are in public and interactive situations - they are comparing in the depths of their nerves. They are tense from within most of the time. They are like this even when they are smiling and laughing and apparently relaxing. This aspect further adds to their disability and difficulties. They just cannot come out of their mental frame of what others are able to do and what they are not able to do.This is a psychological phenomenon. A teacher and an instructor or facilitator has to enter the disabled mind. The life and difficulty of a disabled student has to be felt alive from within and without. A teacher has at least to imagine this reali ty of the special pupil especially in class eight. The disabled student in this eighth standard is entering into an adolescent age. This stage throws out so many other psychological challenges of adolescence as well. Until this mundane psychology of the disabled is understood, their expectations and apprehensions cannot be met fruitfully only through varied adaptations, accommodations and modifications (. Latham H, Patricia, 2002).The list of disabilities is an endless inventory of deprivations. ... There are a number of ways for dealing with learning of the disabled. These are generally used as Adaptation, Accommodation and Modifications. For example, adaptations mean changes introduced into the environment, curricula, instruction and assessment etc. for leading a student learner to success. Adaptations are employed according to an individual student's needs. All accommodations and modifications are adaptations (Fuchs, L.S., and Fuchs, D., 1998, Winter). Accommodations provide a student equal access to learning and equal opportunity to demonstrate. Accommodations must not alter the content of the test or provide inappropriate assistance to the student within the context of the test. Accommodations do not require special coding on an answer sheet. Accommodations do not bring any change in syllabus and instructions. Modifications represent substantial changes. These may be made in what a student has to learn and demonstrate. Changes may be introduced in the instructional level, the content or the performance criteria. All these changes provide a student with positive learning experiences, environments, and assessments based on individual needs and abilities. Modifications include oral reading, signing, the reading skills test and use of calculators etc. When preceding modifications are made, due notation has to be recorded on the appropriate answer sheet (ANU, 1994). Despite diverse specifics of adaptations, accommodations and modifications of learning of the disabled, every disabled learner has to be considered as an individual and a distinctive person. Each one - even if having similar disability - possesses different and individual centered characteristics. The major challenge is that each individual disabled learner is wholesomely different and

Sunday, February 9, 2020

Need law specialised to write personal statements Essay

Need law specialised to write personal statements - Essay Example Most importantly, I believe in the Latin maxim fiat justitia et pereat mundus or let justice be done, though the world may perish. The study of law exists to educate people and their solicitors about the law and their rights and obligations. He who sleeps on or is ignorant of his rights risks being taken advantage of others.I wish to pursue a doctorate in the law that I may receive the best and most up to date and most advanced legal knowledge possible. I wish to achieve this so that I can be of greater service to my clients, my country and myself. Personal Statement (800 words) I have always dreamed of becoming a lawyer. Even when I was in the science section of the Al-Marefah Alahlyah school, I was already fascinated with the law. Our concentration in the natural sciences and the laws of science opened my mind to the belief that a higher learning of the real world can be achieved. Specifically, that a man can aspire to a greater understanding of human laws and how they govern our l ives, much in the same way that natural laws organize and govern the natural world. In both spheres, knowledge and insight is what enables leaders to gain predictable results and hence, harness natural and legal phenomena to our advantage. After secondary school, I went to the King Abdul-Aziz University to study law and it was there that I began to quench my thirst for legal knowledge. As a result of my earnest efforts in that school, I completed my Bachelor of Laws and became a lawyer. It was not long, however, before I aspired to expand my legal horizons. To do this, I went to England to obtain a Master’s degree in International Law and Financial markets at the prestigious University of East London. Having completed my Masters, I now wish to gain a Juris Doctor from your fine institution. One may well wonder why I desire to obtain a Doctorate so soon after I received my Masteral degree. My answer to this is that I want to become a successful lawyer in an ever-changing world . I believe that, in order to accomplish this, I must constantly educate myself in the best institutions. I believe that complacency is the root of decay and that my hard-won knowledge of the law must be constantly enhanced with new learning and further study. Otherwise, my legal skills may become obsolete or outdated to the great detriment of my practice. Besides, I am still hungry for more knowledge of the law and greater expertise thereat. I believe that a Doctorate from the nation that gave mankind the rule of law is the proper avenue to expand my mastery of certain topics in the law. After all the study of law is a continuing process and one should never be fully satisfied with his level of mastery in any subject in the law. The desire to have greater knowledge of the law also has a practical aspect in my duty as a member of the bar and a Solicitor striving for the benefit of my clients. Bad legal advice is worse than no legal advice at all because the client would have been le d to think that he had received good advice and will follow it only to find out later that it was wrong. I do not want to someday hand out bad advice because of a deficiency in my mastery of the law. After all, ignorance of the law excuses no one and it would certainly look very bad if I was to lose a case or file an improper case simply because I lacked knowledge about a particular topic. A Doctorate from your institution will allow me to impart what I have learned to peers and